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I agree with a Second October Revolution yes, despite I am aware that this war is mostly an US-NATO proxy war on Ukraine and how much the Euromaidan was a pro-US, pro-NATO, and pro-EU coup d'etat...

    8 months ago

    I don't hate them equally cause neo nazism is a very particular form of awful, plus I think that NATO being fucked over and prevented from spreading east is a win for everybody, but yeah Russia is no angel indeed very far from it but as I see is the least bad side of this conflict. Or whom the victory stands to result in the best geopolitical consequences as I see it

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    8 months ago

    Russia's nationalism in the face of NATO besieging is not bullshit, and neither is their "misinformation." Those pushing a limp-dick "both sides" argument fail to fully understand the nuances IMO...

    Is Russia perfect, or an AES? Hell no. But it actively stands for anti-imperialism not merely within its own borders and Ukraine, but across the MENA region, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. There's a reason why all AES states have such good relations with Russia today, and a reason why masses fly Russian flags unprompted across west Africa as they boot out their neo-imperialist EU masters... and their resistance in this case is not merely preventing the expansion of NATO and further destruction and desecration of the corpse of the Soviet Union (and the hundreds of millions of innocent civilians living within it still), but it is even rolling back a fair bit of the worst of it- a recovery from the prior plagues of true oligarchy and neoliberalism (because capitalism, while the issue, is also not a monolith- though no doubt the necessity for revolution shall show itself yet again in due time if not now).

    I don't hate Russia, because hating Russia for defending itself from the horrors the west had prepared for it, and already waged to such an extent against it, would be wrong in my books- Iran is not perfect, and decidedly not communist, but do I hate Iran? Or Afghanistan, Syria, or the vast majority of countries on earth? No. There is a clear side which is right here, and a clear side which leads to the betterment of humankind, while the other side represents an ideology of unparalleled death and destruction (and I'm not merely talking about the blatantly fascist Banderites, but neo-imperialism, neoliberalism, white supremacy and western hegemony, all of these things of which I would call deeply interwoven and not quite separable).

    I would call this a conflict more clear, more black and white, than WW2 with its Nazis on one side, and all the Anglo-European imperialists whose actions inspired the Nazis on the other- Putin is not even a Churchill, de Gaulle, or Eisenhower; his legacy (despite the fact that he's a boomer chud) is infinitely less questionable, infinitely more agreeable than any of the above. Hell, he's not even a Chiang Kai-shek.

    8 months ago

    You say this while Donbass et Luhansk got and still has the bitter end of the fighting (yk ye have those flags there)

    You can criticize Putin, but I think you shan't criticize those separatist republics...