I was looking for a non-chromium alternative browser to Firefox and found mercury. According to this site it is one of the fastest Firefox forks and also has optimizations from other well known forks like librewolf.

  • Atemu@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Claims 7-10% performance improvement on an old AMD FX thing. No information about the baseline though; whether it's the terrible Snap or Firefox's official binary package. I suspect it's the former because it has known performance issues IIRC and the latter has quite good compiler optimisations already (LTO+PGO making most of the difference).

    When I built Firefox for x86_64-v3, I saw no measurable improvement over x86_64-v1 in speedometer. I didn't dare to build the most security critical application on my system with unsafe compiler optimisations though..

  • z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    After the shenanigans with that dev and his other project, Thorium. No fucking thanks.

  • Cornelius@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Tried this myself, performance differences are non existent. In fact I noticed more regressions on speedometer than improvements.

    Don't bother, use Floorp instead.