I’m sure you all know how the failure of world powers to act against Nazi Germany lead to the slaughter of millions, so if history has taught us anything, it’s that we should now all look away from the heinous crimes being committed against the Palestinians and pretend they aren’t happening.

Obviously I’m not thrilled about it, but how are we ever going to prevent another holocaust if not for apathy and indifference to human suffering? And if we somehow fail and there’s a totes legit second holocaust for realsies this time, I pinky-swear that the nations of the world will finally take decisive action and hold the perpetrator accountable. Sure, maybe they’ve been a teensy bit complicit so far, but it’ll be different next time, I promise you.

There’s no other choice. Stop making me out to be the bad guy. It’s just a fact of life that people will always be racist and want to wipe out other people. Now I would accept a white genocide if that was what the circumstances dictated, but the Israelis wanted to settle in a region of arabs, so maybe the Palestinians should just sit this one out and take one for the team.

Honestly, we have no other choice. It’s not as if there are any material conditions that lead to society-wide xenophobia. Seriously, there aren’t, so you can stop looking. I said stop looking! You’re just wasting your time, because there aren’t any. Oh my god! You’re reading theory right now, aren’t you!? I’ve just about had enough of you.