• deft@lemmy.wtf
    5 months ago

    A, Go through this post look at how your comrades act. Don't act like I'm the problem here. How many replies and like three of you actually have anything of merit to say. So who is actually insane?

    B, Housing drag plus deflation pressure plus decreasing demand abroad for Chinese goods.

    but the real kicker? Their economy didn't match the prediction at all from last year which wouldn't be huge except experts adjusted their estimates almost monthly for China and that suggests a lot. Mostly that the information being publicly pushed isn't reliable and should be considered unreliable.





    China will grow sure. But since the 90s they say every decade they will pass the US and they don't. Because the numbers aren't real even the IMF knows it that's why they have the disclaimer right there underneath the graph y'all are stuck on. They talk about it too.

    All of this could just be me. But foreign investment has slowed into China and that's what I personally look for. Those who know, clearly know.