X-men-esque mutant universe, except all the mutants are rich like Batman. There’s something like Xavier’s mansion, but it’s a prep school and parents of mutants pay out the ass to attend. The prevailing theory is that most mutants die in utero unless they get extensive medical care, which the rich can afford.

Our story follows the only poor mutant in existence. This kid will make Peter Parker look rich. After all, Peter can usually afford a one-bedroom apartment in NYC and is rarely shown missing a meal. Gotta get our hero some badass powers too. Open to suggestions here.

This kid runs into some trouble trying to hide their powers and gets picked up by some local kids and dragged to an abandoned building. When they come to, they’re freaking out at first but realize they’ve got a blanket around they. They’re in a bed. And on the table in the room there’s a sandwich wrapped in newspaper, a juice pouch, and a snack bag of Cheezits. The kid who dragged them away apologies and begins to explain.

There are actually no disparities in mutant births, at least not any more than the general population. There are disparities in mutant deaths because the government has systemically tracked and murdered them. These are the kids who got away. This warehouse is where they live. And they are organized.

You can imagine a lot of the rest. Mutants were involved in the Battle of Blair Mountain, in civil rights struggles, getting murdered during COINTELPRO, etc. All covered up and omitted from history books.

Basically, I want the Brotherhood of Mutants, but based and not fashy

  • D61 [any]
    3 years ago

    Knowing what living things, that the protagonist can see clearly enough to focus on, are going to do with 100% accuracy up to 10 seconds in the future.

    They could use their power to survive, enrich themselves (potentially at the expense of others), or help others. A journalist? This power would be pretty cool. A private eye? This power would be pretty cool.

    Powerful enough to be interesting for story and conflict but leaving the protagonist vulnerable to people/things that they cannot see, always balancing on using powers for self gain or for helping others.