Game Informer's review says it's "one of the best games of all time." Nice. I'm stoked for it and accept that I will get nothing done for the next couple weeks

  • Deadend [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It's a combination.

    As the point of the early release and embargo time is to cause more places to talk about your game at the SAME time, so it's ubiquitous.

    The sites want to get the Article out fast because Clicks.

    Not getting copies into the hands of media means any coverage of the game from the different sites comes as they are able/willing to do so. Also GAMERS are much less interested in a review of a game a week after it's release when it's essentially settled on day one.

    As even though most sites do finish games, these super big games tend not to do much to change your opinion between hour 5 and hour 50 if you are playing at a normal pace. It's rare for games to shit the bed THAT badly in the later parts, they dip some but it's not like games go from 9/10 to a 3/10 suddenly.