PMC are like "noooo, we have to be abusive and neglectful to do scientific progress!!!" and then whine about being called kulak class traitors who belong in a work camp lmao

Taub said he had been set up. He said his laboratory had been clean when he left on vacation, but that Pacheco had failed to clean the cages, had neglected the animals, then subjected the laboratory to false reports of cruelty. During Taub's vacation that August, which lasted over two weeks, on seven different days in which the animals were supposed to have been fed and the cage area cleaned, the two caretakers failed to show up for work. Taub estimated the probability of seven absences in that 2.5 week period at seven in a trillion based on the previous 14 months of attendance records from the workers. On three of those absentee days, Pacheco brought people in to look at the monkeys. Taub's research assistant, John Kunz, a graduate student, said it was simply that the caretakers took advantage of Taub's absence to have a holiday of their own.

classic PMC! Being a soulless spreadsheet technician who uses statistics instead of materialism, not understanding that alienated workers will immediately ditch their satanic monkey torture workplace at the soonest opportunity.

Responding to the images of the monkeys with open sores and decaying bandages, he said that using salves, ointments, and bandages is more dangerous than leaving the conditions untreated; monkeys feel no pain from the deafferented limbs and learn to ignore them, he said, whereas drawing attention to the wounds with salves or bandages would cause the animals to bite or claw at them.

Good Point, Sir! PMC shouldn't receive any bandages in their Stalinist work camps. That would incentivize them to not rationally take care of their bodies like the free market demands :michael-laugh:

  • riley
    11 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • The_Walkening [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    All of this animal abuse resulted in a therapy where stroke victims get their functioning limbs restrained so that they learn to use their afflicted limb better, which is apparently an extremely difficult way to go about it.