I posted two months ago that I had left the US to... somewhere. Well, it was Belarus. Because my mom is from here. So there's that. I'm just one smol human bean with vicious brain worms, but I'd be happy to answer questions about/from the perspective of this point on the Google Maps before we're disconnected by the Iron Curtain 2.0.

(It's evening here, I have a few hours, but if I don't answer your question I'll get back to it tomorrow I promise (unless it's redundant/silly/makes me mad lol))

E: I'm going to bed but I'll answer any new questions when I'm up, as promised.

  • Yanqui_UXO [any]
    2 years ago

    It's really hard to gauge. I was taking a walk the other day and there were two grannies passing by, one said to the other: "We truly do live in interesting times!" lol. There was a military equipment exhibition today, which happens every year at this time, and on one local online portal 60-70% of comments were that that's inappropriate atm, and the rest that "all the kids know these days is how to dodge the draft". But generally, Belarusians have very deep ties with both Russians and Ukrainians, very often familial ties, so I think there's also just a lot of confusion here because of that. It'll tear some friends/families apart for sure.