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  • Yurt_Owl
    7 months ago

    Huh I've never considered reading it might give it a go. Does the same apply to American psycho?

    • AlkaliMarxist
      7 months ago

      Sort of, it is much more brutal in it's violence and there isn't anything 'titillating' in the book, while a couple of scenes in the movie have attractive nude people so it could be seen as a little sexy. You couldn't really do American Psycho any other way though, Bateman and the women he sees are all young and obsessed with beauty and social status, and the relationship between sex and violence is a key theme. The main difference IMO is that, at least in the movie, there aren't many instances where you laugh at the characters in Fight Club, while there are plenty of scenes of Bateman being a clown. I'd argue that, between the two films, it takes more effort to read Fight Club as satire than American Psycho.