Hi! I started to fiddle around with freecad a little again tonight. I still find many things unintuitive. And I just watched a video about master sketches, because they are essential in my workflow on other programs. It makes it soo much easier to keep the overview and change little things quickly because I don't have to search for the responsible sketch.

In this video the person demonstrates at around 9:15 how to use the master sketch as a reference in the sub bodies. I can get used to only get one body from a sketch, but man, how many steps does it take to just reference a sketch?! You even need to use a differen workbech, use the clone tool, but not this one and then drag and drop the duplicate into the same body you are working on? Why?! I mean the sketch is right there, just let me click it!!

This got me wondering it those rough workflows are just designed badly or if this is a limitation of the engine or whstevery it's called, that freecad is based on? Because in my limited programming mind it does not make a difference what file is referenced. If it is some file on a directory above, just use something like "./" Before to go up one directory.

And I think those little things that just work in other cad software, makes freecad so much less approcavhabel and so much harder to jump in.

If I want to make a complicated part, that is not just a box with a hole, I don't want to Google around until I found a solution, I want the intuitive solution to work without 3 extra steps. This just hinders my design process a lot.

Maybe someone knows how freecad works on the background and can explain why freecad works like that.


  • mranderson17@infosec.pub
    5 months ago

    FreeCAD is the way it is mostly because it's not optimized by multi-billion dollar companies with teams of developers and UI/UX engineers. It's very much the do-all-the-steps-your-self CAD package.

    That said, there are loads of bad or outdated video tutorials out there, and generally people tend to find one way to do a thing and then market their video as THE way to do it. Treat FreeCAD like Linux, there are lots of "correct" ways to use it, and also don't expect it to be something it's not.

    If you feel comfortable with it, it would be cool for you to make a short video of where you are stuck, or where you feel you are doing unnecessary steps, and maybe we can help you reach our goal in a simpler way?