Deportations are still ongoing in the mids of VC an pandemic, so do evictions and while suddenly there is a laudable support to help refugees from the Ukraine -with problematic practices like judging by the Ukrainian passport wether a person is a war refugee or not and thus being allowed to use the public transportation for free - the racist, classist and chauvinistic structures of the European society gets exposed.

For example now a burst of material support and clothing by Berlin's society is ongoing flats are let without proof of employment, Schufa etc. while at the same time and in eye sight of the distribution centers unhoused, comrades and not, are walking around, too, without housing or warm cloth which and warm food that is prepared and free to give away.

Of course help is good, but what is society if it supports some, shortly, marginalizes others and then evicts and deports to keep up it's true ideological practices?

Are such spontaneous events of somewhat solidarity something which can blossom into something more, something to be used it will it fold and act as proof for liberals who always them while a good deal of helpers were familiar faces of the direct action, mutual aid, autonomous or Marxist and seldom academic left, unions and a few churches and a good deal of young unpolitical people who act - and not quite the liberal citizen they will create in magazines in years to come.

Of course a good deal of helpers are liberal, too.