Been thinking about it a lot, and how would people be able to communicate with each other if the forces of capital (huge telecom conglomerates) just decided to shut down and become dormant? Capitalism has such a stranglehold on society that we'd be absolutely fucked. What about our electrical grids? And to add onto that, you're probably facing the US military in addition to the militaries of all its allies

  • sgtlion [any]
    3 years ago

    Sadly, this has always been the case. The rich own the means of the production, so how do we produce what we need for our freedom?

    The answer is kind of obvious - if we want a successful revolution, the workers working those instruments will need to be onside. Facebook couldn't shut down if the server operators refused to shut down. Power companies wouldn't shut down if the workers refused to shut it down. Etc.

    Would they send military/cops to make that happen? Sure. But even with the lofty goal of a revolution with most people onside, some conflict somewhere will be inevitable as the establishment won't want to let go. In reality, it's this overwhelming violent force that is the real obstacle, but it's also really the only obstacle, and getting the numbers and organisation to oppose it meaningfully is a serious challenge that cannot be overcome without serious effort.

    But don't be fooled in thinking they control the means of production - its the workers that do.