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  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Third worldists right yet again...

    A "dictatorship of the proletariat" of the global south is desperately needed. The contradiction here is that due to the massive accumulation of wealth in the core imperialist countries, workers are unlikely to revolt against the sophisticated propaganda machine in the imperial core, as they're still relatively comfortable compared to the global south. As conditions worsen though, that could change, but by the time conditions are that bad in the core, the global south will be in even worse shape unless some DOTP of global south nations is formed.

    Communism also inherently cannot be built on this, it will create social imprealism/fascism. So that contradiction needs to be resolved. I see China attempting to resolve this contradiction by effectively taking the means of production away from the west and into their own country, to create their own wealth, and have the west by their throats. Thus eventually the west will be bled dry, paying China to manufacture everything, thus indirectly redistributing the wealth towards China and other nations.

    Maybe only after 30 or so years of this indirect wealth redistribution will imperial core countries be at the point of leftism being viable on a large scale. And the contradiction being minimised as the wealth disparity is not so great anymore between the core and global south. Either through the global south creating their own wealth though this, conditions in the core further deteriorating, or a combination of both. In this case China is basically the lead force in the DOTP for the global south, it's putting a lot of faith in China though.

    This is just 2am ramblings from an idiot trying to see something somewhere.