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  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    3 years ago
    spoiler for disco elysium but i found this really profound :lt-dbyf-dubois:

    Rhetoric: The question you mean to ask is both very complicated and incredibly simple...

    Endurance: Take a deep breath. Best to go one piece at a time.

    You: If communism keeps failing every time we try it...

    Steban: (he waits patiently for you to finish)

    You: ...And the rest of the world keep killing us for our beliefs...

    Steban: Yes?

    Volition: Say it.

    You: ...What's the point?

    Steban: (he considers your words for a minute)

    Composure: You're witnessing his ironic armour melt before you. This is his true self you're seeing now.

    Empathy: He's thinking about someone...

    You: Wait, who is he thinking about?

    Empathy: Hard to say. Someone dear to him.

    Visual Calculus: Track his gaze. He's looking out past the broken wall, toward the opposite side of the Bay...

    You: Toward the skyscrapers of La Delta.

    Visual Calculus: They rise like electric obelisks in the night.

    Steban: The theorists Puncher and Wattmann — not infra-materialists, but theorists nonetheless — say that communism is a secular version of Perikarnassian theology, that it replaces faith in the divine with faith in humanity's future... I have to say, I've never entirely understood what they mean, but I think maybe the answer is in there, somewhere.

    You: Wait, you're saying communism is some kind of religion?

    Steban: Only in this very specific sense. Communism doesn't dangle any promises of eternal bliss or reward. The only promise it offers is that the future can be better than the past, if we're willing to work and fight and die for it.

    You: But what if humanity keeps letting us down?

    Steban: Nobody said fulfilling the proletariat's historic role would be easy. (he smiles a tight smile) It demands great faith with no promise of tangible reward. But that doesn't mean we can simply give up.

    You: Even when they ignore us?

    Steban: Even then.

    Ulixes: Mazov says it's the arrogance of capital that will be its ultimate undoing. It does not believe it can fail, which is why it must fail.

    Volition: So young. So unbearably young...

    Half Light: Why do you see the two of them with their backs against a bullet-pocked wall, all of a sudden?

    Inland Empire: Their faces, blurred yet frozen as though in ambrotype. You were never that young, were you?

    Steban: I guess you could say we believe it because it's impossible. (he looks at the scattered matchboxes on the ground) It's our way of saying we refuse to accept that the world has to remain... like this...