I'd love to work as a person partaking in taking apart abadonned housing (or other buildings) in remote areas to free up space for nature.
I'd also love to be responsible for cleaning city center rivers. I always wanted to do it when I was taking a stroll by one of the Dublin's canals.
I have 0 clue how to get into it, but whenever I'd touch the topic, it appeared to my uneducated eyes that the industry may be quite nepotistic as in it appears to be mostly family businesses with jobs through connections, but maybe I perceived it wrong.
What's your unusual dream job?
General helper.
Need holes dug for pipes? I'll put in a few hours
Community kitchen need someone to cook or do dishes? I'll put in a few hours.
Just let me touch grass and do something tangibly helpful. Doesn't matter what. Move me around. Lemme try different things.
I want to work at the government Office of Whaddya-Need? where people come because they need help training their dog, or they need help moving across the country, or they need a leaking roof patched up, or they need someone to pick their kid up from soccer practice on Friday evenings, or they want to become a librarian and need career guidance, or they have limited mobility and just want someone to take them over to the lake and sit and chat. I want to be the person who helps to figure out how to get them the thing they need. For free of course, because it's a communist utopia.
You understand me 100%
Yeah this is just a cadre member lol
This is literally me