Sup comrades. Been a while since I posted. Pissed off my back. Took some time off. Didn't eat for 6 days. Started eating again. Started lifting a few weeks ago. Good times.

Built this sweet ass 6ft x 6ft lifting platform. Two layers of particle board topped with some plywood and two strips cut from a horse stall mat. Stained the plywood with my favorite tint of wood stain, RED Cabernet. :marx-ok: Then 3 coats of floor poly cause why not? So far it beats the shit out of bare concrete. lol

The fast marked my routine change from lower weight with higher reps to higher weight lower reps and more times a week. For deadlifts and squats that is. Overhead presses and bench presses are staying the higher rep route for now as I seem to not get as much out of the other way with those. Also still doing curls and started working towards pull ups as I suck complete dumpster trash as those. Been lifting for a couple weeks just hadn't posted. Probably won't post as much as I did before. I about run out of diy weights to show off. lol

Backs still kinda iffy but I'm getting to a physical therapist soon and she apparently is married to a power lifter so hopefully if it's a form issue she can set me straight. My Dr specifically recommended her so I'ma trust him.

Stay safe comrades and keep moving!