I'm obsessed with cardboard and plastic crack and would love to be able to talk about (and maybe play some on Tabletop Sim) with people who don't suck (especially Warhammer 40k, which doesn't have nearly enough leftists playing.) For card games I've been playing a lot of the Digimon TCG which is interesting and new enough to not have extreme nonsense like Yugioh or Magic.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I have a very small 40k guard army (I think ~800pts) plus an inquisitor and execution force, about half-painted because I made the horrible decision of using white as a main colour. I've only played the actual game once, and I can't say I'm a huge fan of much of the design philosophy of the game (stratagems, 900 books, a total lack of balance).