I've had a few posts about this already, but I finally ended a nearly 20 year relationship with someone I suspect is a pathological narcissist.

I no longer have any positive feelings for this person, and haven't for a while. I have wanted this relationship to end for a very long time. I don't know now many hours I spent lying awake in bed daydreaming about one day being with someone who actually appreciates and loves me.

I am not sad about losing this person, but I do feel totally broken and alone right now. I feel like they took everything from me. I know things will get better, but this is the worst I've ever felt in my life.

  • birdcat@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    so what will youb do now? i mean sad right now obviously, but think of all the beauriful and cool stuff that can enter your life in the near future 😉

    • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
      5 months ago

      I am a musician, author, and artist. I've neglected these talents most of my life. I'm going to finally give them the effort they deserve.

      Other than that, I just want to live a life for myself and my daughter.

      • birdcat@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        allredy sounds amazing, probably will be super amazing! wish you all the best ❤️