I’m so fucking excited, but this is the first time I’m really feeling nervous about it. I wish I knew more of what the process is like? I’ve heard its dead simple, and everyone I’ve talked to at the clinic on the phone has been super lovely , but I can’t help but feel like somehow it’s all going to go wrong.

    • BolsheWitch [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      hey friend, this is pretty intense considering the tone of the post.

      Spiro works well for a lot of people and in many states is the only option some trans folx have for a t-blocker. It’s also one of the most affordable options for an anti-androgen.

      Cone shape is pretty common for many cis women as well, especially during early puberty. Often it’s something that just takes time to develop through the different tanner stages.

      progesterone is kind of a trade off in terms of timing. If you start it early, you’ll get more breast growth sooner, but there’s also a lot of anecdotal evidence that it can sometimes cause breast growth to slow after a certain point. Normally not recommended to start with it. Definitely a trade off for people and depends on your goals. I’m going to probably wait a year or so, but that could change.

      Hopefully I’m not coming across as too harsh here I know your intent is positive :soviet-heart:

      Edit: that's awesome you adapted the comment! Solidarity. ☺️

    • riley
      8 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • BolsheWitch [she/her, they/them]
        2 years ago

        spiro has the most research behind it in the US and is also much more affordable than some other options.

        I’m personally looking at using bica instead, but that’s more experimental. I decided not to go with spiro personally over concerns around brain fog (not everyone gets that, but some folx do) and already being on other meds that dehydrate me.

        • riley
          8 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • BolsheWitch [she/her, they/them]
            2 years ago

            I’ll be taking bica too! I’m really excited about it and was happily surprised when I found out my doc prescribes it. If this isn’t too personal of a question, do you feel like it helped with breast development?

            Spiro is definitely more old school, but I’ve heard it’s often one of the only antiandrogens available in more conservative states / countries. I know a lot of gals who are on it and aside from craving pickles and needing to pee more, it’s working well for them.

            my holy grail is lupron depot 45mg cause it perfectly shuts down all T production full stop and lasts 6 months on one dose but uhhh 12 grand for one shot

            :what-the-hell: is that even with insurance? jesus…

            • riley
              8 months ago

              deleted by creator

        • BolsheWitch [she/her, they/them]
          2 years ago

          Cone shape is pretty common for many cis women as well, especially during early puberty. Often it’s something that just takes time to develop through the different tanner stages. Progesterone helps round/fill out your breasts after you’ve reached tanner stage 3-4.

          Responding to multiple comments just so anyone reading through here has the info.
