hello you vegans,
media portrayals are how most people learn about things and form opinions of them. Since vegans are such a small portion of the population, it is much more likely that someone has seen a vegan portrayed in a movie or television show, than actually know one.
So on to the bechdel test. If you don't already know its a test for representation of women in film. A film passes the bechdel test if it has two named women characters, who speak to each other about something other than a man. Im not comparing the paucity of women in film to vegans, just trying to make a point about media representations.
So, what is a positive portrayal of a vegan in a movie or television show?
The character must have traits other than just "vegan"
The character must be portrayed in a generally positive light, or at least not be weak, or whiny.
The character must stay a vegan. In other words they must not at any point consume or use animal products.
Can anyone think of any other rules they would like to add? Would you like to change any that I’ve written here.
I cannot think of any vegans on film or tv that pass these three simple rules. Apu from the Simpsons fails Rule 2, as he is not a positive portrayal
Todd the Vegan from Scott Pilgrim fails Rule 3 because he partakes in bowl of chicken parmesan
Phoebe from f.r.i.e.n.d.s. fails Rule 3 because she eats meat when she is pregnant.
Moonknight from marvel fails Rule 3 because he eats a steak
What do you all think?
Cool, only Scooby doo I've seen is from before then, which would explain it.