Ah yes, famously conservative media like One Piece, Ghost in the Shell, Gundam, Princess Mononoke, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Cowboy Bebop

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I mean the demons in this show make it clear that they're literally incapable of co-existing with anyone else and will kill other races whenever given the opportunity. It's not a matter of what anyone "thinks", they're willingly admitting to it. You know, kinda like fascists.

    • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      You’re talking about the diegetic reality of the show, I’m talking about the interpretations people would have as someone outside of that diegetic reality, and also how similar that diegetic reality is to delusional fascist perceptions of reality

      • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
        5 months ago

        I'm unconvinced that the average fascist wouldn't root for the demons though. The way they are written as arrogant, devoid of empathy, obsessed with hierarchy and so on, would at the very least appeal to the chan-brained fash contingent.

        For all we know that could be exactly why this guy included it in his weird-ass list.

        • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
          5 months ago

          Look at Goblin Slayer for a similar seeming situation. Sure, the goblins in that story have far more in common with fascists IRL than they do with any real minority, but it’s a fascist story the entire way through- It just looks like it isn’t because that’s how delusional fascists are. The fact it’s a biologically essentialist thing in both cases is the tip off to me. The difference between us and Nazis, besides the obvious communism stuff, I mean, is the fact that we despise people for what they believe and do, while fascists despise people for what they are and what they’re born as, all of the evil goblins do in Goblin Slayer or all the made up stories about evil things minorities do are just cope to justify their unhinged hatred of someone’s inherent self. I’ve never seen that show, so it could be more in line with an ideological thing than a biological one with the demons, but it sure sounds essentialist just with what people said here.

          • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
            5 months ago

            I suck at media crit and am just generally not very good with words, but I'm gonna take one last stab at this.

            The point I'm trying to make is that reading fascist intent into things like people are doing with Frieren could be just massively overthinking things.

            Look at it this way: While it's true that, say, stories about zombies and alien invasions were originally based on a reactionary fear of "the other", I sincerely doubt that the vast majority of people who write these sort of stories in our current time sit down and make a conscious decision of using them as allegories for immigration or anti-colonialism or whatever. They just grew up with these tropes and want to build an interesting world around them that has nothing at all to do with what connotations they may have had like a century or more ago. The phrase "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" comes to mind.

            So fascists and socialists could both be wrong in reading these stories as supporting fascism.

            Does that make sense?

            • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
              5 months ago

              Best case scenario it’s just a menacing fantasy antagonist species for an exciting and fun adventure, and that’s ok. But if they do mean anything more real with it, it’s probably that fascism is good, just going off the track record of anime/manga writers.

              • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
                5 months ago

                Ah yes, lets just assume that every japanese creator is a fascist.

                I'm sure that's gonna go great, oh 5 day old account you.

                • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
                  5 months ago

                  I know there’s plenty of good manga/anime writers politically, it’s just also kind of a conservative country (and don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s especially conservative compared to any Western country, American writers have a bad track record too, we just block it out). I was trying to make a semi-joking point about how common nostalgia for Imperial Japan or stuff like what happened with Attack on Titan is.

            • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
              5 months ago

              Oh yeah i had a big dumb moment and didn’t notice this part,

              The phrase "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" comes to mind.

              From a political perspective, there is no such thing. Yes, the chance of the writer being an actual Nazi is low, but when someone makes something “non-political” it is really just their baseline assumptions about what is or isn’t political.