
    10 months ago

    Btw the translation in tweet is incorrect, it's not a statement that "Putin will deal" but an appeal for him "Putin, deal with Ukraine, Brussels and our government".

    The soviet flag is almost certianly ironic but still absolutely shocking for Poland.

      9 months ago

      My thoughts exactly. I saw the mention of the flag and was confused as hell, because I thought reactionaries in Poland hated the USSR, but I guess they're trying to appeal to Putin or something, and think that he's trying to remake the USSR, but capitalist or something? I really don't know. Maybe they just flew it to confuse people, and it's working on me really well.

      • d-RLY?
        9 months ago

        At least based on the picture, the flag appears to be flown flipped from the end that isn't normally on the flag-pole side. So like seems like a point of using it as an insult, since everyone still likes to act like Russia is still the USSR. So I am guessing it is just reactionaries being reactionaries and not using the Russian Federation flag since it is less "scary" or something compared to the USSR (from the perspective of anti-Soviet right-wingers).

          9 months ago

          Though at the same time, you could argue that it is flipped because they just didn't know how to fly it properly. Though I think you're right, this is probably intended as some kind of anti-communist thing.

          • d-RLY?
            9 months ago

            They had to go out of their way to fly it wrong. You can see the white strip that the metal hoops are set in on the end of it. So it would be kind of funny if they did manage to unintentionally mess up so bad.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    10 months ago

    once again right-leaning proletariats show that they're still better than any Western politician.

    It's almost as though the people who actually live and work with certain things know more about it than liberal politicians. I would, of course, prefer if they'd use class consciousness and advocate for a leftwing solution to the green deal. But I can't really change reality.

      10 months ago

      these are farm owners not farm workers, i mean some are probably petite bourgeoisie, but most definitely not proletariats. These "farmers" are mad that Ukrainian economic integration into the EU will drive them out of business because Ukraine is such a large producer of agricultural goods and because their labor cost are lower, their complains are on par with people complaining about "them immigrants" coming over to take out jobs.

    • 小莱卡
      10 months ago

      Not really proletariats, farmers have ownership of production they're petit bourgeoisie. The thing is that current farmers are the losers of competition, the winners moved on to commerce grain / industry.

    10 months ago

    IIRC there's way more agricultural goods going from the EU into Ukraine, at least that was the case pre-2022. Most of Ukraine's exports go to other low income countries, as the EU has extremely high standards for food products (which they've turned into a form of neocolonialism in itself).

    9 months ago

    The EU farmers can gain political privileges for protest and voice because the Western European diaspora with their Bretton Woods institutions and Pax Americana order do not follow their Neo-Liberal policy to make a country specialize on only one industry that creates foreign dependency to rich countries and high vulnerability from collapse of international market. The Bretton Woods institutions provide free financial services to the Western European, Western European diaspora, and Japan without the condition of implementation of Neo-Liberal polcies because the rich countries could somehow gain success without Nei-Liberalism even as they demand former European colonies to follow the Neo-Liberal polices that never worked in practice.