For real, I really want to hear all the wacky and potentially true conspiracies Hexbear users have. It would be nice to have a conspiracy spot on the internet that isn't antisemitic as well.

  • AlyxMS [he/him]
    2 years ago

    After Yugoslavia shot down an Amerikkkan F-117 stealth bomber, the Chinese secured the wreckage and moved it to the basement of the embassy.

    US caught wind of this and sent B-2 stealth bombers from the US all the way to Yugoslavia to destroy the wreckage, fearing the Chinese would study it and develop stealth technology. The reason only a handful of people died in the embassy bombing is because the US used special warhead to target the basement. However the wreckage was not destroyed and it helped China to jump ahead of Russia in stealth technology.

    Official story is NATO bombed Chinese embassy because they used an outdated map which everyone knows is bullshit. Supposedly true story is China has been using the embassy as a communications hub/relay for Yugoslavia. And the bombing is a "warning". I think this is far more likely but a lot of Chinese believe this stealth fighter conspiracy.

    Long story short: US is adamant that China is shipping chemical weapons to Iran. Launched a blockade on the ship, forced the ship to accept an inspection, caused a huge ruckus. When no chemical weapon is found on the ship or in the ocean around the ship, US's like "Our intel is definitely good. It's not our fault. In fact it is your fault for spreading false information." and just left without appologizing or anything.

    The conspiracy is the US is actually correct and China was going sell chemical weapons to Iran. Sounds ridiculous, but this is in the 90s when China was selling ballistic missiles to Saudi Arabia.(Another conspiracy is China sold nukes to SA, on the condition the nukes can only be activated by China) Supposedly the only reason the US didn't find any chemical weapon is because there's a delay while the weapon is being delivered to the port. The cargo ship left the port without it. The US had good intel and only this last minute delay made it wrong.