it’s lmaoooo apparently some of y’all need a trigger warning. you might not fully agree with every podcast in these dumps. go fucking figure. - @podking

this is their response to a comment I made in the mega last week where I tagged them directly and asked why a transphobic podcast is in the pod dump and asked if there could be a warning at least if there is not vetting even though the sensible thing is to vet them for anything that would not be permitted on this site racism transphobia etc. It’s very discouraging to see them respond in such a flippant way about marginalized people’s humanity (especially without tagging me even though I directed questions at them) . Here are some titles of episodes of the BAR podcast which this site is hosting a download of in a pinned thread.

cw transphobia

lets’s do hatespeech by talking about how biological sex is a binary

historically the anatomy and physiology of people with vaginas has been neglected

defending the lgb community

those are just three titles which are bad enough, the content in the episodes are worse and nearly every episode touches on transphobia. the hosts are pretty much only notable for being “gender critics” of the “left” you can also just google them for their very public transphobic writing and other work.

I don’t even know what to say, I can’t believe someone on this site would respond to me in such a backhanded and rude way and so easily disregard transphobia as “you might not fully agree with every podcast” I didn’t know transphobia was something you agreed or disagreed with on this site.

  • BolsheWitch [she/her, they/them]
    2 years ago

    The podcast isn't hosted on this site, but I'm glad you noticed this was bundled in a podcast feed that was getting posted.

    The user is @podking. They have 1 Post and 35 Comments over 8 months and they're not a mod anywhere.

    Katie Herzog and Jesse Singal have both promoted "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria", which is total bullshit that promotes the idea of gender identity and trans-ness as a disease. You cannot catch gender dysphoria.

    I'm unsurprised no one noticed their podcast had slipped in because it flies under the radar on purpose and is marketed as a "reply all" style dirtbag left show even though it's a trojan horse for bigotry.

    This has nothing to do with detransitioning and everything to do with Jesse Singal being a bigot who deserves the same shit as any other transphobe (a brick to the fucking face). The asshole is literally on GLAADs shit list lol:


    It's cool Podking is doing a service for people with these other podcasts, but they need to take the Singal and Herzog podcast out immediately. It's very possible Podking didn't know this about Singal and Herzog because both of those people go out of their way to make it unclear what they're up to. They also get marketed to people who have detransitioned by "gender critical" bigots.

    edit: please upvote my request in the thread.