
  • radiofreeval [any]
    4 months ago

    They were friendly at one point, a little later they had a falling out of some point. Contra says she has been assaulted by someone curious about the effects of estrogen and that she could metoo a "fairly prominent figure in leftist politics". That's the only serious evidence, the rest is someone on 4chan making something up, an allegation (that I have been unable to prove) that PT used contra's deadname in her food episode listed as her husband (too tired to make this sentence make sense), PT saying she had a mental breakdown the same day Contra came out as gay and other vibes and speculation. None of this makes much sense and people that genuinely believe this is more than gossip are often found on tttt, where they are made fun of by other tttt users. To learn more, look up contra on tttt (don't this will melt your brain).

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 months ago

      If you are a woman who wants to fuck another woman, the other woman being gay isn't a good news?