I'm a 5

  • Neckbeard_Prime [they/them,he/him]
    2 years ago

    I had that until I got my metal tooth fillings replaced with resin. Now it's just my CIA handler quoting passages from Catcher in the Rye nonstop, but he thinks I don't speak English so he's reading it all in Esperanto. Since I don't speak Esperanto, I think it's a win/win -- my CIA handler stays gainfully employed and effectively accomplishes nothing, and I have a soothing train of gibberish being piped into my brain to remind me I'm still alive and that at least one person cares about me enough to talk to me ♥

    But seriously, I get the constant music playing in my head thing too. I wish I could remember half of it well enough to either record it on my guitar or plug it into a sequencer DAW, but whenever I try, it's like trying to hold on to a puff of steam.