• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      I think folks might be losing the script on why mainstream Crypto is bad (artificial scarcity creates an economic incentive to burn a bucket of coal in order to generate a new cryptographic key longer than the last) relative to why NFTs are bad (they're typically a side-effect of mining Etherium, unless they're tied to a less scarce alternative like Dogecoin or some other shitcoin, but are otherwise forms of speculative ficticious capital that mystify the economy).

      NFTs don't have to generate any more carbon than an Imgur link. They only do so as a consequence of Etherium mining, which is what they were intended to incentivize originally.

      • OutrageousHairdo [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Any kind of decentralized computing or blockchain project is vastly inefficient relative to a centralized one. "NFTs but good" would just be a generalized version of CS:GO Skin Trading - nothing actually novel about NFTs has any merit, even if the basic concept of trading digital stuff might not be entirely terrible.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          2 years ago

          Any kind of decentralized computing or blockchain project is vastly inefficient relative to a centralized one.

          If you'd issuing your own images tied to your own currency, it isn't decentralized. And if the seed is small enough, the computation time for the next increment isn't very costly.

          Of course, this defeats much of the purpose of what Crypto and NFTs are supposed to provide. But most people speculating on them doing know that. So it doesn't really matter.