I can hardly believe it, but I think we're actually starting to see a cultural shift around unions and the connotations of the word "union". I think it's kind of happening as a snapback effect against Amazon, but I think unions are starting to make headway against 50 years of being vilified.

    • Highatus [undecided]
      2 years ago

      They will run unions into the ground if they’re allowed in. Libs love a good compromise.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      2 years ago

      UK unions were heavily sabotaged for decades because liberal leadership got hold of them. They did absolutely fuck all for an incredibly long time.

      Militant socialist leadership manages to get hold of the UK's biggest union and immediately announces their intent to "plot" an international campaign to unionise amazon.

      Within 6 months amazon has its first union success and more are soon to follow.

      These are not coincidences. An international collaborative effort is occurring behind the scenes which is really fucking with Amazon's ability to fight it.

      Keeping the liberals out of leadership of the powerful big unions should be considered one of the highest priorities for everyone in the left. We should be taking much more interest in them, we should have better news about the politics inside unions and which ones are upcoming battles that need to be fought to keep out liberals and keep in socialist leaders.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          2 years ago

          Campaigning for their opponent mostly. These elections happen so quietly among the most actively invested that even a small increase in the number of people actively involved in spreading propaganda could significantly affect them. If we actively tracked important unions and their elections in the same way we currently track countries and their elections we could direct people towards signal boosting and propaganda participation that could tip the balance.

          Socialists are also much more likely to be heavily invested in such elections in large numbers than neoliberals. Popular support would be very easy to demonstrate compared to the latest shitfuck member of the Trilateral Commission or some other bullshit neoliberal org.