I'm pretty sure the short answer is: "Well, 4chan, right?". But it goes a bit beyond that.

If there's something that I have learned is that your standard :le-pol-face: is nearly IDENTICAL to ISIS, it's just a matter of whether they want to be a Christian CHUD or a Muslim CHUD. Osama Bin Laden was found to be a fan of anime too, among many other ISIS/al Quaeda members. Hell, ISIS members are frogposters just as much as "defend the west" CHUDs. There's a joke online about how fashy a lot of weebs are and I really don't understand it.

Anime is Japanese and Japan fought on the side of the axis is the only connection I can think of, but it's not like Japanese people are considered white in the US, the country that these hogs apparently love so much. Hell, hogs demonized the FUCK out of Japan in the 70s and 80s too despite being a fellow capitalist nation. Now they're coming around?

Also, look at two of the most popular anime: Pokemon is pretty pro-environment and Dragon Ball Z: where Frieza talks almost identically to your average chanbrain and was inspired by real estate speculators because of how evil they are.

Is there a deeper connection besides "4chan lol"?

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    it’s just a matter of whether they want to be a Christian CHUD or a Muslim CHUD

    There are a staggering number of so-called "New Atheist" reactionaries that came back to fundamentalist Christianity or at least call themselves "Cultural Christians" like Richard Dawkins did. It's fucked.

    As for the (likely controversial, because the treats must be defended) take that anime has more than its fair share of right wing consumers, here's what I came up with.

    "Purity" obsessions. A significant amount of anime has feeemale characters that are specifically designed for fanservice, not only visually but in attitude, beliefs, and behavior. The "I fight for senpai" and "please don't die, senpai, I love you too much!" cliches are a part of that but not the whole of it. It sets a grossly selfish standard for what feeemales are supposed to be and act like when it comes to impressionable minds consuming that stuff before they date or have relationships of their own. It isnt just sexual virginity that is hypocritically obsessed over in such anime: it is mental "purity" where the feeemale characters know next to nothing and have no upsetting opinions and have their heads filled with naivete for otaku to get off to.

    Youth obsessions. Anime characters skew young and skew younger (with "1000 year old half angel half vampire that looks like a child" excuses where applicable) over time to pander to a self-selecting normalization of sexualizing minors because of market pressures and companies doing what is most profitable, which is to pander to big spender pedophiles. Chuds are also obsessed with young victims because those victims lack the life experience or adult mental faculties to fight back or know when they're being creeped on.

    A lot of right-wing politics are baked right into the stories. The most glaring modern examples include "Gate" and "Attack on Titan" at a nationalistic "the master race is being attacked by inferior evil weaklings that must be put in their place" level, and at an individual politics level, "The Rising of the Shield Hero" the provides plot-contrived moral justifications for slavery as well as chud rage against rape accusations and even (in the light novel version) vivid and gory rape/murder revenge fantasies against false rape accusers that might make Jordan Peterson blush. :jordan-eboy-peterson:

    • ScotPilgrimVsTheLibs [they/them]
      2 years ago

      "Cultural Christians" or in other words:

      "I think Christians are dogmatic and unscientific zealots who only want to control people....and that's FINE BY ME!" It insults Christians and "heretics" at the same time.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        That's the part they like, though they are more than happy to say how "scientific" they believe their bigotry and climate/covid denialism is. :expert-shapiro:

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I've been fond of the medium since it was called "Japanese Animation" or even "Japanimation" and was a weird thing you had to buy on VHS tapes from booths at swap meets and conventions. Yes, I'm aware of just how different and varied older stuff was, not just compared to more modern tendencies to pander to otaku but also compared to different competing franchies. Even if they had their own problematic elements, New Dominion Tank Police was very different from Akira which was very different from Super Atragon which was very different from Nausica of the Wind which was very different from Record of Lodoss War, and so much more never had official releases in the west at all.

        The medium was more experimental back then and didn't quite have its cliches and troupes pre-loaded and ready to go over and over again. It wasn't yet possible for a studio to simply sit down and say "let's make yet another maid harem isekai, and all we have to do is move the personality cliches and the hair colors and styles around" and expect it to print money.

        Let me stress that I said "tendency" before I likely receive hostile replies from treat defenders. Yes, I know that even now there are good recently-produced anime out there. I'm talking about market trends and specifically the inescapable capitalist mandate to pander to the big spending creepy people that buy the majority of the discs and the figurines and the posters, where much of the money is made.