I'm pretty sure the short answer is: "Well, 4chan, right?". But it goes a bit beyond that.

If there's something that I have learned is that your standard :le-pol-face: is nearly IDENTICAL to ISIS, it's just a matter of whether they want to be a Christian CHUD or a Muslim CHUD. Osama Bin Laden was found to be a fan of anime too, among many other ISIS/al Quaeda members. Hell, ISIS members are frogposters just as much as "defend the west" CHUDs. There's a joke online about how fashy a lot of weebs are and I really don't understand it.

Anime is Japanese and Japan fought on the side of the axis is the only connection I can think of, but it's not like Japanese people are considered white in the US, the country that these hogs apparently love so much. Hell, hogs demonized the FUCK out of Japan in the 70s and 80s too despite being a fellow capitalist nation. Now they're coming around?

Also, look at two of the most popular anime: Pokemon is pretty pro-environment and Dragon Ball Z: where Frieza talks almost identically to your average chanbrain and was inspired by real estate speculators because of how evil they are.

Is there a deeper connection besides "4chan lol"?

  • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    2 years ago

    Anime often comforts/takes advantage of lonely young men. Most anime and manga is for teenagr boys, so this makes sense. Privileged but unfulfilled members of society usually turn fash. The fash, due to privilege, get to have priority and set the tone of whatever community they are in. Lots of the people your average Chad wants dead also likes anime, but they have to actually work and struggle to stay alive or for offline communities. Take the animemes community on :reddit-logo: : when the word tr*p was banned, everyone who wasn't good on trans issues(ranging from chuds to libs) had a reaction. The loudest were the chan heads. Now, the mods were already on the trans side of the issue, but imagining they weren't, the people who have no lives and don't have to worry about getting their injections or actually feel under attack from the words being said can keep up an offensive forever, people with actual problems cannot. So, the community seems more chuddy than it might be in reality. Also, chuds are swarm animals. If some of them do something, they all do it.