I'm pretty sure the short answer is: "Well, 4chan, right?". But it goes a bit beyond that.

If there's something that I have learned is that your standard :le-pol-face: is nearly IDENTICAL to ISIS, it's just a matter of whether they want to be a Christian CHUD or a Muslim CHUD. Osama Bin Laden was found to be a fan of anime too, among many other ISIS/al Quaeda members. Hell, ISIS members are frogposters just as much as "defend the west" CHUDs. There's a joke online about how fashy a lot of weebs are and I really don't understand it.

Anime is Japanese and Japan fought on the side of the axis is the only connection I can think of, but it's not like Japanese people are considered white in the US, the country that these hogs apparently love so much. Hell, hogs demonized the FUCK out of Japan in the 70s and 80s too despite being a fellow capitalist nation. Now they're coming around?

Also, look at two of the most popular anime: Pokemon is pretty pro-environment and Dragon Ball Z: where Frieza talks almost identically to your average chanbrain and was inspired by real estate speculators because of how evil they are.

Is there a deeper connection besides "4chan lol"?

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I mean, imagine being so isolated from the world that you spend your time posting the N word and cuck porn on an image board to piss people off. That’s the level of outcast we’re talking about. It doesn’t help that a lot of anime glorify this kind of behavior.

    Almost every single anime portrayal of otaku is done with the negative stereotypes of Japanese society. We had tons of straight up "you are fucking disgusting and sick" anime like Welcome to the NHK and Re:life. That anime glorifies the 4chan western types is a pretty big exaggeration. Nobody hates Japanese otaku more than Japanese themselves lol.

    You can't mistake pandering for glorifying. There is no argument that anime panders to the worst type of otaku since historically they were the ones funding most of the industry but outright positive portrayal of the 2ch types is quite rare.

    The stereotypical "acceptable" otaku that you'll find is the anime/manga club in high school, maybe a manga artist here or there, maybe the salaryman otaku that goes to comiket and is lonely. Actual 2ch netizens/lolicons are almost exclusively portrayed negatively as hikikomori/NEETs. In fact I don't think I know of a positive hikkomori portrayal, maybe 1/20 references? I know a few hikikomoris that are downplayed as jokes so that is certainly not positive.

    In fact hikikomori is such a problem in Japan that glorifying it in any context is pretty much taboo.

    The western 4chan guy would never actualy pay for shit(piracy is essential to western fandom) or unironically go to a yearly convention more than once for the novelty of it.