Weekly thread for any and all career, learning and general guidance questions. Thinking of taking a training or going for a cert? Wondering how to level up your career? Wondering what NOT to do? Got other questions? This is the time and place to ask!

  • shellsharks@infosec.pub
    7 months ago

    Im not sure if your situation is "normal", but it may be less rare than you think. Chaos can be a ladder, but it can also result in you just being overworked and making no real progress technically or professionally. Given the situation I would probably just look for what else you can find and jump on anything that seems promising, but in the mean time keep your head down and get your job done and try to make the best of the situation. Do you feel your situation is stable in terms of job security?

    • boatswain@infosec.pub
      7 months ago

      I think I'm good as far as job security goes, so that's a plus. I should ramp up the job hunt I suppose. Already trying to study for the CISSP after work though and I am a big fan of having down time to unwind.

      • shellsharks@infosec.pub
        7 months ago

        On one hand, the market is such that it might be too much work / too depressing to passively hunt for a plan B. On the other, it's probably good to have an idea of what a plan B could be...

        • boatswain@infosec.pub
          7 months ago

          Is the market actually bad at the moment, though? We've been trying to fill one of the vacant positions on my team, and the offers we've extended have been declined for other options. That makes it seem to me like candidates have plenty of options at the moment.

          • shellsharks@infosec.pub
            7 months ago

            I haven't been looking so I can't speak with first-hand xp. From others accounts on socials it seems like it's kinda rough but everyone has different experiences. Good to hear some potentially optimistic news for a change though so I'll take it.