A new hit against me just dropped.
Years ago, in this video, I was being crass with a friend, trying to be funny.
We were acting foolish, and joking.
That’s it.
I’m NOT backing down.
I told you there would be a drip drip campaign.
Blackmail won't win. We will.
:sweat: yeah a drip drip campaign
Is everyone going to completely ignore those weird, cavemen-like, ooga-booga, feral chants in the video? What was that?
That's the sound of dudes rocking
He's just joking around with his cousin, you've never screamed your lungs out while humping someone's face as a joke before!?!?!?!!111
(Yes, apparently his cousin is involved :sadness-abysmal: )
Yeah, I really wish I could unsee the video...
He's just really into that new AC/BC song.
Yeah the fucking didn't unnerve me, I've seen that before. The sounds are just, no, wrong, bad. Sorry to kinkshame your caveman fetish,
Cocaine is a hell of a drug