• NomadicWarMachine [any]
    2 years ago

    He cuts to clips of older Russians being interviewed where they all spout bizarre ass takes about how the war is fake, reinforcing the idea that the Russian people are all brainwashed Putin Stans. He literally comes across a Azov recruitment poster in the street and asks some British journo ponce he’s milling around with about it who immediately pulls the “Azov is like 10 guys and Zelensky is Jewish” bit. The rest of it was mostly fine, he was interviewing refugees. I imagine because of the location he was in that was going to be one sided, I doubt many ethnic Russians are there and even if they were they probably aren’t fans of Putin if they fled West.

    I mostly like Andrew but I do think him going to Ukraine was kind of fucking dumb. If you’re going to cover a war zone you can’t half ass it, you either go full war corespondent and go places where you can get shelled or stay home and keep covering crystal healing conventions. Kinda going there but only to some safe zone that seems almost set up for US indie media hacks to bumble around in is just letting his guides set the fucking narrative just makes you seem like a tool, might as well have saved the jet fare and bought Brace some energy drinks and gas up the RV.

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Yeah, seeing that and the other things you pointed out, the vid probably does more harm than good.