• Tupamaros [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Are we happy because Markey is someone even resembling a progressive or just because fuck the Kennedys? I really don't know shit about this race.

    • HarryLime [any]
      4 years ago

      Markey is one of the better democrats, supports M4A, and authored the Green New Deal. Joe Kennedy is a careerist creep who voted to give Trump more nuclear weapons and later claimed he did it by accident. He also opposed legalizing marijuana as late as 2018, not because he thinks it's a gateway drug or for any kind of public health reason, but because he wants the cops to have an excuse to search your car if they smell weed. That's the exact reason he gave.

      That said, Markey's not perfect, he supports Israel and voted for the Iraq war. But still, it was good to deny that entitled little apple polishing shit a Senate seat he thinks he's entitled to.