I like making my own jams, my family always has done it, but I recently noticed something: nobody eats apple jam, despite it being delicious.

Every year this anomaly irks me more and more.

There's a lot of apple production in my country and the jam section of any supermarket here has strawberry, peach, blueberry, pear, plum, and sometimes even orange jam, but there never is apple jam.

Why? WHY?

If people likes pear jam, why wouldn't they like apple jam?

Maybe because pears, peaches, plums and berries are shorted lived and more a pain in the ass to transport without them getting bruised, while apples are more sturdy, so it's more profitable to throw the delicate cheap crops into jars and sell the apples fresh.

  • lascaux [he/him]
    2 years ago

    maybe the consistency of apples has something to do with it? apples are pretty firm whereas pears, plums, strawberries, grapes etc are all soft. never had apple butter but i will have to give it a shot