Is there a good open source smart home system? What do you guys use? Which brand to buy?

How is OpenHAB?

I tried home assistant but I can't manage to get it working with my reverse proxy.

    4 months ago

    What issues are you having with your reverse proxy? Home Assistant is light-years ahead of any other option

    4 months ago

    Home assistant. It is simply the best option right now. Especially for amount of integrations. What are you using for a reverse proxy? I can send you my labels if you are using traefik.

      4 months ago

      Thx! We already fogired it out with nginx proxy manager. The problem was the home assistant configuration.

    4 months ago

    Open source does not come with an easy button unfortunately. No matter what we suggest will leave you needing to tinker and play with things.

    Home assistant really is the best option from all angles. Just have to keep tinkering.