• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • ....you're proving my point - this has nothing to do with the war in Gaza and everything to do with low Q4 consumer spending and ridiculous expectations that jumped the stock by as much or more in November. They aren't even down to where they were just over a month ago

  • It's funny you joke about Quibi because those people all went over to Airtable and what do you know, they have turned a great product into a loser because they have no idea how to get their shit together and actually go public. They're past their series F - they've got nowhere to go and the CFO only knows how to fund raise and she gutted their finance department that was actually working to get them compliant enough to go public. A couple years ago or so they fired their controller who specializes in taking companies public and it's been downhill since.

    Sorry for the rant but this is the world and people I work with and have had a front row seat to the shit show (well, more like a few rows back)

  • lps2@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlUncle Sam, the soulless monster
    9 months ago

    Clearly you didn't read my other replies in this thread where I expressed concern for the innocent people stuck between two warring regimes. Nowhere do I support the status quo, the atrocities being committed by Israel especially in the west bank / Gaza, nor do I ignore the open air prison that Palestinians have been forced into since the 1940s - but feel free to continue putting words in my mouth

  • Hmmm, we have a company who's success has been largely due to it's large network of developers and the outgoing CEO tried to destroy that community.... Who should replace them? Oh, I know, someone who took another company who's success was based on a large network of developers and successfully killed that community

  • lps2@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlUncle Sam, the soulless monster
    9 months ago

    Wow, speed running to otherization and dehumanization of those you don't like. Fucking tankies being nazis as per usual. It's like horseshoe theory in real time and shows you care more about ideological motivations than the despicable acts being committed so long as they align with you politically (which is funny because both sides here are authoritarian, theocratic regimes)

  • lps2@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlUncle Sam, the soulless monster
    9 months ago

    This is 100% about the disease that is religion. And by your argument, Native Americans have no claims to land because they have been pushed off their ancestral land and have been gone for a long time - or have they not hit the imaginary line in the sand where it's been long enough that they have "forfeited" their claim?

  • lps2@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlUncle Sam, the soulless monster
    9 months ago

    That too is a bit of revisionist history and if you extend the timeline back a bit you'll see both parties have semi-legitimate claims to the area (hell, Israelis have been there for a thousand years before Palestine ever existed and before Islam came into existence around ~600ad) and both are religious nuts hellbent on destroying one another. I just feel bad for the innocent civilians stuck between two genocidal, warring factions of religious fanatics. Anyone who tries to claim one side here is more legitimate than the other or is more depraved than the other is just ignoring reality. Obviously Palestine is the "underdog" here but it doesn't mean they aren't committing war crimes en masse

  • lps2@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlUncle Sam, the soulless monster
    9 months ago

    Both sides are genocidal, war crime committing, religious zealots it's just that Israel has the upper-hand due to support from western nations (largely due to Christian zionists in those western countries) while Palestine is largely supported and funded by Islamic zionists from middle eastern countries.

  • Sure thing, it's the intersection of those two worlds - often times the degree associated with this type of work is 'Managent Information Systems' and falls under the business school but also involves programming though typically at a more practical level and less theoretical and in the weeds compared to computer science.

    I see these jobs in two places:

    • within tech companies developing products with titles like "project manager"
    • at consulting firms typically with titles like "systems integration consultant" and they are helping develop applications and integrations around implementing software

    It is a very lucrative market but can be quite competitive especially when talking about positions at the Big 4

    This is the industry I am in so feel free to ask more

  • Front-end web dev can be very competitive in large part due to the abundance of boot camps like the one you attended. I say differentiate yourself with project management knowledge (even going as far as getting a PMP once you land a job and get experience). This will help you stand out and will open more doors down the road. This isn't going to be as hands-on with coding but that techno-functional role is sorely needed and job prospects look much better