• PZK [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I actually got in an argument with a family member leading up to the 2020 election when I told them I was not going to vote for Biden. She basically had a meltdown that I owed her my vote. I told her that he literally gropes and sniffs children and she claimed it was affection for his kids. She also was totally dismissive of the Tara Reade accusations despite being a me too victim herself, which was kind of wild she let things slide for political advantage.

    I kind of realized that liberals were no different from conservatives when it came to divorcing themselves from reality. I basically didn't argue much further because I can't reason with people who are unreasonable. I saw the same insanity that intensely grips republicans. When it comes to confronting the left, liberals turn into gamers just as much as republicans.

    No I don't mean that kind. :gamer-gulag:

    • StuporTrooper [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Liberals are conservatives and knowing that helps make the world make more sense.

      • PZK [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I am aware of this now, leading up to the election I was still learning. I now know that liberals are conservatives and the republicans are regressives.

    • duderium [he/him]
      2 years ago

      My lib dad got violent a few months ago when I described Biden as a pedophile. He actually threw a chair against a wall and screamed in my face so I had to wipe the spit off. We took a break from discussing politics for awhile after that. In the early days of Biden’s presidency my family was also insisting that I see a therapist because I think Biden sucks. I think they still support him now but definitely without the same enthusiasm.