This is an outrage.

This has huge implications.

    1 year ago

    CPUSA is explicitly named. Any other org would indeed be covered under colour of law (this law specifically) however it would require a court case to resolve such an invocation of colour of law which is always a gamble.

    Depending on how much constitution ours have in OK, challenging such a movement not explicitly named in the referenced law in a court of law could end very badly for the prosecution. However, considering if our efforts were so substantial in OK I would not have to question the constitution of it would I?

    Aside from being a gamble, all one has to do is consult law-practicing comrades to create a play list of legal foot dragging to be utilized in each and every single case so as to cost the state as much time and effort as possible challenging every single group from the PSL to the ABCDEFG. Until neoliberalism falls, money is no object to the regime, however this would create publicity for all of the left movements involved, which gives birth to more continuity, as well it would take up space in the legal process which could be used to fuck over our class.