From Pepe Escobar's telegram.


  • Adkml [he/him]
    4 months ago

    They think they can fight because their plan is to start the fight and count on America's inability to avoid getting dragged into a war where they could sell a bunch of underequipped countries arms.

      4 months ago

      If Trump’s re-elected and continues his anti-NATO position they’re fucked. Not that he wouldn’t open new fronts in the war against the world.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Literally one general in uniform would have to go "huh didn't realize you were such a chicken." And they could get trump to sign off on literally any military action they want.

        • Raebxeh
          4 months ago

          Yeah Trump is a contrarian, not a dove

      4 months ago

      I don't know, we already have that arrangement with Israel. We can't exactly be everywhere.

        4 months ago

        They can try, at least. If it's to happen (I hope it doesn't for the sheer destruction it would cause, though every day seeing what goes on in Gaza, I won't deny a small part of me can't help but wish for it as well) I hope the empire is truly overstretched, its forces diluted, and its arsenals and morale as diminished as possible going into the fight.

        Israel, Taiwan, Ukraine... they're certainly setting themselves up for a world war while the entire global south is increasingly rising up in (socioeconomic) revolt.

          4 months ago

          The really crazy thing is that they keep underestimating how smart China is and think they'll take the bait and get dragged into a pointless forever war in Taiwan. If that war breaks out, there's nothing to stop the PRC from just unloading on exclusively American targets