Hey it's me, mutts on discord.

I've been trying to run an apocalypse world and the players have dwindled down to one one person responding. We only got two sessions in, so I thought id check if anyone on here wanted to join. There hasn't really been any real complex story stuff that has happened yet. I feel like I should atleast try to find more player since Marx's Lancer game fell through

So the premise is that, around 3 generations after the fall of civilization, a small town of people are trying to rebuild after their elders where killed by roving mercenaries. Exploring around, traces of the old world are not as lost as you have belived. Near by is a community of cyborgs that still get deliveries via drones, luxuries such as the cheese cake factory still exist and food can be bought if you posses flash drives with a strange old world currency of digital tokens.

If anyone is interested, I can send them an invite to the discord.