This was originally posted by /u/AvnerNetanyahu on cth before the ban.

Yes, I know I'm an imperialist and such, but I like to think I have been rehabilitated. The fact is many American police departments train in Israel, where I live, and a lot of our methods overlap -- so let me offer what I know.

Unfortunately, the most prominent danger is NOT that you may be tear-gassed, peppersprayed or even beaten by cops, but that you will be targeted for retribution after the fact. This is as true in here as it is in the United States.

There are two obvious ways to avoid this: 1) don't be a target, 2) don't reveal your identity

Now, people who think they can hide their identity from determined state-level actors are dumb. On the other hand, people who think there is no point in trying to hide their identity are also dumb. (I am the only smart person.)

You can easily hide your identity from your local police department, as well as some of the wider nets being cast by state police and FBI, by doing some extremely simple things.

  1. Cover. Your. Face. Completely! And nothing that is so tight on the skin that it shows the contours of your face.

  2. Leave the cellphone at home. No exceptions. I’ve seen some posts that start out with “If you can’t leave your cell at home, the second best thing is…” Nope. No second best thing. Take it from me, once you bring your cellphone, it's over.

  3. Don't arrive in a car. They could have stations set up to scan your license plate. Admittedly, some american police departments are behind on the times and don't do this -- but they could. Also: if you DO get arrested, do you want to deal with a parking ticket when you're released?

  4. Don't wear any unique brands or graphic t-shirts. I know this seems trivial but these are distinguishing features that can easily be communicated over radio.

  5. Don't use a protest to network. Save it for DSA or whatever. EDIT: What I mean by this is that you should not add people you meet on social media, or sign up to some email list. Feel free to take or distribute fliers.

  6. As others have advised, it is safest to attend in groups -- however, you are only as anonymous as the least anonymous person in your group. Make sure everyone is following the right protocol.

  7. Don't post your videos on your 'anonymous' twitter. It's not really anonymous. If you filmed something so important that everyone MUST see it, then send it to your favorite journalist by protonmail.

  8. You are most likely to be identified upon your entrance and exit. So bring a full change of clothes in an airtight bag, and don't go directly home after. Once you are out of the surveiled area, find an alley and change. Then don't do anything illegal for the rest of the way home. This should happen after your group disbands.

  9. Don't rock the boat. i.e. if everyone is chilling and singing the internationale, don't go trying to flip a car. Read the room. This goes a long way towards the next tip:

  10. Don't get arrested (lol). Know your exits. Don't get cornered. It helps to have one person in your group following the police scanner so you will stay updated.

Admittedly, that last part is a little tricky. OThers have posted more articulately about this so I will leave it aside. I can only say that it helps to be white and a coward, which many chapos are.

Lastly, I want to respond to something someone in another thread was saying, that you should not bring your drone to a protest. I'm going to push back on that. The police don't have ELINT capabilities. While the National Guard does, I doubt they'd be able to deal with more than one at a time. So if you want to scope out what the cops are doing a few blocks from you, I say go wild.

Please add anything I may have missed, or shoot me a pm if you have other questions.


for ambiguity

edit2: cover up your dang tattoos