Bitch modern humans have been on this earth for six hundred thousand years creating an enormous number of distinct and unique cultures which shape the people living under them. The absolute arrogance to think you can generalize a hundred billion people's worth of experience based on what you've experienced in your one tiny lifetime. Humans are so fucking diverse there is VERY little you can say is "human nature." But no please tell me more about how people are just selfish by default despite all the fucking evidence to the contrary.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Great example of the base informing the superstructure, IMO. "Original sin" was always a concept in Christianity, but with the Protestant Reformation developing alongside capitalism - and the development of a "bourgeois religion" - you get ideologies like "total depravity" and the idea that humans are by nature corrupted by sin and can only do bad thing other than by the grace of God.

    And guess what?! Seeing humanity as completely fallen and "sinful" means that any hope of a better future on earth will ultimately be futile. So don't even try... because "muh human nature".

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I have no love of the Catholic church but I'm forever grateful my parents took me to a Catholic church as a kid and not some evangelical fuckpit.

      Do you know why the Southern Baptists exist? Because the Baptist Convention decided that ministers shouldn't own slaves. Not the laity. Just the ministers. As representatives of Christ on Earth, they decided it wasn't a good look to be holding people in bondage. That's the reason for the schism. Fuck those people.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Yeah southern fundies/evangelicals are just a religion of evil from a bad fantasy book. They think their god is an abusive, violent father. They worship wealth in a very dark, quid pro quo way. Their entire religious focus is on how evil and bad everyone is and how they're all going to be tortured forever. They hate sex but make sexual purity a core and stabbing part of their religion. Viciously hateful of the Other.

        Evangelicalism wasn't even always like this. For a few decades in the 1800s they were doing all kinds of lib social welfare projects. They only really mutated in to a religion of high percentage content evil in the last 70ish years.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      Meanwhile Jebus is all like "be nice and help people you can do it I love you"