• Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I mean, having one empire hasn't worked out too well for us the last 30 years. But Russia isn't exactly trying to make an empire either, they're protecting their border by using Donetsk and Lugansk as a buffer zone. In doing so, they're directly fucking with the US and NATO.

      • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
        2 years ago

        In the south, to secure a warm water port and restore crimea's fresh water supply. Elsewhere, because they're trying to force Ukraine to come to the bargaining table (or surrender, but that still seems unlikely). They could withdraw all their troops from the rest of the country once the war is over in return for Ukraine signing a neutrality agreement.

        Edit: I should add that this is a guess, but I think these are Putins main goals.

          • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
            2 years ago

            How do you think war works? You just shoot a couple of them and the call it a day? Did Stalin stop at the borders of the USSR or did the Red Army march to Berlin to topple the government of the enemy?