
except my bf hes the one good male and will force the rest into submission :meow-hug:

  • posadist_shark [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    Its funny growing up asigned male at Birth you start to notice at certain comming of age moments the sort of track certain guys just start snow balling into, I think most are redeemable but maybe like 20% presently are viable any moment at any time.

    On a reflection I feel a strangeness when I think about my own masculinity, as I cant really see positive traits that aren't destructive to my mental and physical health. only sexism I have experienced was and continues to be at work. Im expected always to physically lift everything heavy or physical work loads, emotional abuse but because I some how have less emotional capacity. I guess I wish that masculinity could have positive associations/ qualitys./ be free of patriarchy. A year ago a trans man who I met at work asked me about gender roll stuff as they wanted to be visually and verbaly more masculine and I found it really hard to give any positive or just healthy aspects to masculine gender rolls. :pain:

    Anyhow I think about that a lot when I see stuff like I hate men is logical, I think yeah maybe we should be just mulched into dust.

    • kristina [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Using your strength to stand up for women is very positive imo. Unique position that only men can usually do. Like it's just a fact that the majority of men can just intimidate and sexually harass me cause I simply can't take them in a one on one fight anymore. Number of times dudes just laughed or rolled their eyes at harassment and continued with their day after witnessing it happen to me is too damn high. It's why I appreciate my bf. He got in an altercation with some guy once cause he was invading some woman's personal space. I got verbally harassed once and bf got super close to the guy and said 'say it again' and the dude looked like he was gonna piss himself. I felt so safe, relieved, and happy in that moment, whereas usually I expect something bad to happen and all the other guys to look on and be like 'ah shucks boys will be boys'

      Cause the whole thing is we as women have a risk to ourselves all the time that men don't feel, so its actually good when men take that risk on themselves to speak up against harassment at least.

      • BigAssBlueBug [they/them]
        2 years ago

        The funniest thing about me is that I literally dont have anything that could be positive about stereotypical masculinity. I am not strong, tall, nor smart.

        I also don't have any positive stereotypical traits of femininity. I'm ugly as sin, terrible with people, and completely uncreative and non-artistic.

        If there is a god, I will strangle him with his own intestines for what he decided to create with me. I will inject sulphuric acid into God's fucking eyes

        • The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]
          2 years ago

          BigAssBlueBug, I think you're funny and your posts makes me smile. I like having you around on this site. :meow-hug:

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Men can and should be taught to be strong in ways that are protective and supportive and aren't predatory and selfish. Full stop.

      • StuporTrooper [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Using your strength to stand up for women is very positive imo. Unique position that only men can usually do.

        It can be difficult, albeit necessary, to stand up for women and against sexism in men exclusive space. :trump-anguish: wasn't exactly wrong about "locker room talk", althought most men aren't bragging about sexual assault they do get more sexist when women aren't around. Necessary for good allies to not participate in that and call it out, even though that can come with a lot of social pressure and anger in men exclusive spaces.

        • kristina [she/her]
          2 years ago

          althought most men aren’t bragging about sexual assault they do get more sexist when women aren’t around

          gotta be real with you before i transitioned there were dudes absolutely bragging about sexual assault and pressuring girls into sex around me and i always called them disgusting pigs at the least. got one expelled from school once, but that was the extent that society found OK to punish a guy for giving a girl mental scars. bad thing to see as a young trans girl who had yet to transition

          • StuporTrooper [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I said most men but there are absolutely like 30-40% of men that would just brag about SA.

        • kristina [she/her]
          2 years ago

          Sure, you can at least verbally tell the guy off and still be in a safer position than a woman even if youre not strong, which I did say in the post