
except my bf hes the one good male and will force the rest into submission :meow-hug:

  • aaro [they/them, she/her]
    2 years ago

    as an amab enby who gets clocked as male in and out of lefty spaces, I see these threads gaining traction and bringing on community-wide celebration of anti-maleness, and I think about the welcoming and comforting that the MRA/incel/pol communities would do to me for the same reason it's "logical" to hate me here, and it makes me sad. I understand that some people have had men permanently ruined for them by bad experiences, but threads like this really don't feel like they're encouraging me to address internalized toxic masculinity, they send me the message that there is nothing I can do about toxic masculinity because it's in my genes, so why bother trying.

    I finished The Will to Change by Bell Hooks lately. I've never felt more seen by a piece of literature and the welcoming approach the author takes did more to help me deconstruct toxic masculinity and improve as a person than any other reading or conversation I've ever had, and certainly more than hearing that my comrades hate me on sight for immutable characteristics. I wish we as a community could strive to uphold Bell's models of understanding masculinity so more men don't find the community and acceptance that all humans need from patriarchal fash instead of leftists.

    • Ideology [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Make a post about The Will to Change? I made one about Marx just now, and it's like my 5th relationship-positivity post so far (I even made one to follow up my "dudes suck" post where I dunked on a reddit thread, but the positivity posts always get less traction). I'd like to see more of this stuff and hooks is pretty cool until she gets super Jesus-y.

      • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I actually found that book through this website. Great read, and it is a really nice addition to more orthodox marxist thoughts on alienation through a slightly different lens.