Anyone have any favorite subversive/leftist games? There used to be a great one about the apple supply line where you had to move the nets to catch the guys jumping out of the factory in china and throw the e waste in a dumpster fire in pakistan. Banned from the app store of course lmao.

    • hypercube [she/her]
      2 years ago

      it's a roguelike but you can turn permadeath off so that's fine, one of the key story characters is q-girl, an anarchist theorist/science genious barathumite (sentient porcupine bear), you can get your face dismembered, regrow it, and then wear your severed face on top of your face to get +2 Ego (which improves the power of your psychic attacks), lategame robot enemies include biblically accurate angel + bass pro stores pyramid, those enemies can become friends as, like all factions, you have rep with them that you can improve by killing their enemies or performing the Water Ritual with their friends. maybe I should do a megathread at some point lol