faded you can not imagine the relief. Even the nurse was shocked how badly my ears were clogged with wax. Thank goodness it wasn't the eardrum that I was afraid it was going to be. When she cleaned them out I let out an audible AHHHHHHHH and went oh my god. The other ear was even bad too and she was shocked I could hear out of it. The piece of wax that came out, shit you not, was like the size of a beetle. Amazed something like that could even get clogged in here.

Thanks to all you comrades for the well wishes.

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Been there. Glad you got relief.

    There is no analog for the sensation of when the obstruction exits.

      • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Same thing has happened to me twice. Actually caused vertigo the second time. And then that woah, huh, ahhhhhh sensation of when it's freed up.

    • ElGosso [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Maybe when you're sick and you pull that gigantic booger out of your nose and it feels like it was so deep it was touching your brain.