I've got a growing collection of vintage computers, anyone here also enjoy collecting? I'm not very good at EE so my repair adventures have been poor, but they make nice display and discussion pieces if nothing else. Currently have:

  • Macintosh SE
  • Commodore 64c
  • TRS-80
  • HP 95lx
  • dpg [he/him]
    4 years ago

    LaserDisc is very cool. I found CEDs with my friend once and still looking for a player - very sad technology!

    • DrStrangeBalls [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Oh geez, CED. What an incredible example of sunk cost. I've got a handful of discs (and a player, barely functional, that I dug out of a barn somewhere). It's still stunning that RCA saw that project to completion for whatever reason. Don't spend too much on a player if you find one, it's really not worth it beyond curiosity.

      • dpg [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Have you seen Technology Connection's series on the CED? Five parts over like 2 hours but it's awesome https://youtu.be/PnpX8d8zRIA